Asset Management
Active investment portfolio management may improve performance and manage risk
In today’s market, it is extremely important that investment portfolios are continuously monitored. Active portfolio management through asset allocation and prudent investment selection may improve portfolio performance and help manage risk during challenging economic conditions.
In addition to Sisung’s investment professionals, to broaden the scope of our asset management services, we supplement our services by retaining sub-advisors that specialize in select types of fixed income and equity investments.
Diversified fixed income portfolios
Our fixed income managers focus on creating diversified portfolios with definable and managed risks. Portfolios structured by Sisung Investment Management Services (SIMS)® are customized to our clients’ guidelines and needs for liquidity and take into account quality and duration in applicable market cycles.
SIMS utilizes its own interest rate forecasts and other relevant market data and research to provide the framework for evaluating investment selections. To maximize the potential for enhanced returns, we regularly analyze the fixed income securities held in our portfolios as well as new securities under consideration for purchase.
Strong equity portfolio management
SIMS’ equity investment strategy creates an overall portfolio with these primary characteristics:
Strong fundamental research is a must in equity management. SIMS applies the results of its research to the development of portfolios, while maintaining a risk level consistent with the client’s objectives. Sisung’s equity managers constantly monitor the market and each security’s position and reposition a portfolio accordingly.